The World of Cannabis has mesmerized everyone with its boundless horizons. Once that world started diving in it, it doesn’t seem to get out of it any sooner. After the discovery of CBD, the discovery of Delta-8 THC, Delta-9 THC, Delta-10 THC, THC-O, and HHC followed. We are still unsure if this series of discoveries of new Cannabinoids every other day will ever end or not. Although the world hasn’t discovered all the aspects of CBD by now, relatively newly discovered Cannabinoids have set yet another challenge.
The Discovery of each of these Cannabinoids raises a question about its legality and drug test status. This article will discuss the same aspects of Delta-8 THC.
Introduction to Delta-8 THC:
Anyone who has ever had some interest in the Cannabis world must be aware of Delta-8 THC. However, not a lot of people know much about this substance.
Delta-8 THC is one of those many discovered and undiscovered Cannabinoids of the Cannabis plant that have proved to be very beneficial for human consumption. But like any other substance in the world, it also has particular pros and cons that the usage method determines.
Delta-8 offers particular therapeutic effects by acting as an anti-analgesic and anti-depressant. That’s why competition in the Cannabis market has increased as the companies are now conducting researchers on Delta-8 THC. Every day, a unique Delta-8 THC-based product appears on the scene. Many companies offer Delta-8 online and in-stores.
Delta-8 is just a form of THC that is present in Cannabis plants in a meager amount. It is comparatively difficult to extract it from the plant for the production of Delta-8 dominant products.
Is Delta-8 THC Legal?
The legality of all the Cannabinoids has been a matter of great concern. Let’s look at a bigger picture; the farm bill law 2018 eased the determination of the legal status of various Cannabinoids on the Federal level. But it nowhere mentioned Delta-8 THC or its whereabouts.
Remember that there are two primary sources of Delta-8 THC; hemp and Marijuana plants. Hemp sources have a legal concentration of THC, i.e., less than 0.3%, and hence Delta-8 THC that companies obtain from hemp is lawful. The marijuana plant has a higher level of THC that doesn’t lie within the legal limits; that’s why companies don’t go for Marijuana to get Delta-8 THC.
However, some states might not favor Delta-8 THC because of the light euphoric or “high” feeling that it elicits in the consumers. That’s why you need to check state laws before purchasing Delta-8 to avoid any inconvenience.
We can’t overlook Interim Final Rule 2020 at this point that the Drug Enforcement Administration released. It emphasized that all the synthetically manufactured THC is a Schedule 1 Controlled substance regardless of its source. The drugs with high abuse potential get listed in Schedule 1 controlled lists. To be more transparent, it will make the Delta-8 THC illegal, even if it’s coming from hemp.
The Interim Final Rule is about to be reviewed in fall 2021, and we can’t say anything sure about the legal status of Delta-8 before that.
Whether the Delta-8 consumer passes a drug test or not, you just can’t have it in the states where it is illegal. Fifteen states that haven’t accepted Delta-8 THC include Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Kentucky, Idaho, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, New York, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, and Washington.
Legality is something totally irrelevant from the drug test. It becomes a bit more complicated in Delta-8 THC because drug test looks for THC in the system and Delta-8 THC is nothing but a form of THC.
Before looking at this aspect in detail, let’s see how it differs from the other substances.
Delta-8 THC vs. THC:
You might be amazed to know that what we refer to as THC is Delta-9 THC. Hence, we can analyze from the nomenclature that Delta-8 THC differs from Delta-9 THC in the bond placement. The same bond present on Carbon 9 of Delta-9 THC shifts to Carbon 8 to form Delta-8 THC.
It changes its chemical and physical properties such that Delta-8 THC offers mild psychoactive effects compared to Delta-9 THC that is highly euphoric.
Moreover, THC extraction is easy because of its abundance in the plant. Contrarily, Delta-8 THC is hard to be obtained from the natural source because of its minor amount. Hence, the method of synthesis of Delta-8 from THC gained much more popularity.
Delta-8 THC vs. CBD:
Delta-8 THC differs from other Cannabinoids, especially CBD when it comes to the euphoric effects. CBD is non-psychoactive and risk-free that led to its popularity. Also, it’s one of the most abundant Cannabinoids present in Cannabis plants. Delta-8 THC is neither non-psychoactive nor abundant.
If we talk about Delta-10 THC, it’s even milder than Delta-8. Moreover, the source of Delta-8 is Indica, while that of Delta-10 is Sativa.
Can Delta-8 THC Make Me Fail A Drug Test?
The short answer to the frequently asked question is, “YES! Delta-8 THC can make you fail a drug test by all means.”

What is a Drug Test?
But before digging into the details of Delta-8 THC and the effects of consumption on the results of drug tests, we need to understand what a drug test is?
You can take a drug test as an inspector, looking for the shreds of evidence in your body to find out if you had any illegal drug. How does a drug test do that? Well, the drugs aren’t the clever and fast criminals. Many of them don’t leave the body instantly; contrarily, they break down in pieces, and those pieces become part of the body as shreds of evidence.
Delta-8 THC and the Drug Test:
When we talk about Delta-8 THC, the body breaks it down after a few hours of consumption. The metabolites of Delta-8 travel to body parts like sweat, hair, urine and reside in them. These body parts might take hours to weeks to flush these metabolites out of the body; the time limit varies for each substance.
This one seemingly innocent compound, THC, can break down into 80 metabolites. They can reside in fat cells, and fat cells can give evidence of THC consumption even after a long time.
Although Delta-8 is legal, its metabolites can stimulate a positive drug test. Let’s look at how long does Delta-8 stays in the body.
If it’s for a blood drug test, spend about 24 hours before the test without consuming Delta-8 in any form because it stays in the blood for about 10-20 hours.
In saliva or oral fluid testing, metabolites can be detectable for even about 48 hours. The real issue arises when you have to go for hair testing. That’s when even the smartest culprit gets caught. Hair is generally generous enough to give space to THC metabolites for about 90 days.
The urine testing can expose your THC consumption for anywhere between 3 to 45 days or even more in some cases.
This time might vary according to his method of consumption.
How can I pass a Drug Test for THC?
The best way is to stop Cannabis consumption in all forms. Even if you have consumed it, make sure that it hasn’t happened at least eight weeks before the test.
Another tip is to “sweat it out” by doing exercise and having plenty of water. However, it doesn’t guarantee a negative result.
Also, be careful about the products you consume since some forms might bind more strongly than others.

Remember, nothing will guarantee a negative drug test result if you don’t abstain from having it. It gets more common in a system where a minor substance can trigger a false-positive result.
This article isn’t here to give you false hopes. Understand the risks and stop using Delta-8 if you will be testing for THC in 3-4 months. Otherwise, please remember no one can assure that Delta-8 won’t show up on a drug test.